Availability by phone

For direct questions by phone, a doctor will always be immediately available on our hotline to answer your questions.

Information material

Feel free to request brochures with detailed information on fertility treatment in various languages and clinic flyers for your patients by e-mail info-siegen@kinderwunschzentrum.org), by fax (0271 77018129) or by phone (0271 7701810).

Infertility Medicine Quality Circle

Four times a year there is a Quality Circle for Gynaecologists in Dortmund largely on topics within reproductive medicine, under the leadership of Dr. med. Karoline Hohenstein. If you are interested, please register under info@kinderwunschzentrum.org.

Information evenings for couples

Every other month, on the last Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM, there is an information evening on the topic of the desire to have children, for couples who wish to find out initial information about our establishment, without any further obligation. Find out when the next date for this will be, on this website under Current/Information evenings.