Publications of Prof. Dr. med. S. Dieterle (from 2010)
Ribosomal DNA methylation in human and mouse oocytes increases with age.
Potabattula R, Trapphoff T, Dittrich M, Fic K, Ptak G, Dieterle S, Haaf T. (2022). Aging, 14 (3):1214-1232.
Impact of Nonylphenols and Polyhalogenated Compounds in Follicular Fluid on the Outcome of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection.
Bullach A, Trapphoff T, Zühlke S, Spiteller M, Dieterle S. (2021). Reproductive Sciences, 28(8), 2118-2128
rDNA methylation of human oocytes of women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) increases with maternal age.
Trapphoff T, Dieterle S, Potabattula R, Haaf T. (2021). Human Reproduction, 36(1), i377-i378
Analyse von Schadstoffen aus dem Konsum von Tabakprodukten oder nikotinhaltigen Substanzen in der Follikelflüssigkeit (FF) von Frauen im Rahmen einer intrazytoplasmatischen Spermieninjektion (ICSI)-Behandlung.
Trapphoff T, Ontrup C, Dieterle S. (2021). Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology, 18(5), 249
Analysis of Nonylphenols (NPs), Mirex and selected endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the follicular fluid (FF) of women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
Trapphoff T, Bullach A, Zuehlke S, Spiteller M, Dieterle S. (2020). Human Reproduction, 35, i391-i391
Endometriose und Kinderwunsch – was ist wirklich sinnvoll?
L. Söhngen, S. Dieterle
Gynäkologische Praxis 2017, 42:199-207
Zika-Virus-Infektion in der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe
I.Mylonas, S. Dieterle, M. Hampl, U. Hoyme, J. Jückstock, W. Mendling, G. Neumann, K. Friese
Der Gynäkologe 2016, 49:786-794
Akupunktur bei Kinderwunsch [Acupuncture in the desire to have children]
K. Friol, C. Gnoth, F. Sulistyo, S. Dieterle
Der Gynäkologe 2015, 48:36-43, ©Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
Thyroid autoantibodies per se do not impair intracytoplasmatic sperm injection outcome in euthyroid healthy women
Susanne Tan, Stefan Dieterle, Sonali Pechlavanis, Onno E. Janssen, Dagmar Fuhrer
European Journal of Endocrinology (2014) 170, 495-500
Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Dieterle
Uro-News 2013; 17 (6): 21-24, (Springer Medizin, Urban & Vogel GmbH, 2013)
Thyroid autoimmunity does not impair assisted reproductive technology outcome in fertile women.
Tan S, Janssen OE, Lahner H, Moeller LC, Hertel S, Pechlivanis S, Seebauer J, Mann K, Führer D, Dieterle S.
55. Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie, Mannheim (08.03.2012)
Quality and Risk Management in In vitro fertilization. Meeting "ART and clinical: towards a more successful and safer ART"
Dieterle S, Bierhals K.
Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China (29.10.2011).
Kubiak A, Dieterle S, Neuer A, Bierhals K, Greb R.
9. Endometriosis conference of the German-speaking countries, Emmendingen (1 June 2011). Geburtsh Frauenheilk (2011); 71: 464
Acupuncture for infertility: is it an effective therapy?
Huang DM, Huang GY, Lu FE, Dieterle S, Neuer A, Greb R.
Chin J Integr Med. 2011 May;17(5):386-95. Epub 2011 May 25. Review.
How to make a good embryo
Dieterle S, Schlösser V.
International Academic Symposium. Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China (18.10.2010).
Swidsinski A, Dörffel Y, Loening-Baucke V, Mendling W, Verstraelen H, Dieterle S, Schilling J.
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2010 Aug;59(3):399-404. Epub 2010 Apr 20.
Witkin SS, Bierhals K, Linhares I, Normand N, Dieterle S, Neuer A.
J Reprod Immunol. 2010 Mar;84(2):171-5. Epub 2010 Jan 8.
Publications of Dr. med A. Neuer (from 2010)
<link>Stadienabhängige Fertilitätseinschränkung bei peritonealer und tiefinfiltrierender Endometriose: Welche Mechanismen werden durch die in vitro Fertilisation erkennbar? [Stage-dependent limitations of fertility in peritoneal and deep infiltrating endometriosis: which mechanisms can be recognised through in-vitro fertilisation?]
Kubiak A, Dieterle S, Neuer A, Bierhals K, Greb R.
9. Endometriosis conference of the German-speaking countries, Emmendingen (1 June 2011). Geburtsh Frauenheilk (2011); 71: 464
Witkin SS, Bierhals K, Linhares I, Normand N, Dieterle S, Neuer A.
J Reprod Immunol. 2010 Mar;84(2):171-5. Epub 2010 Jan 8.